

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Power Man Luke Cage

Power Man Luke Cage

Do you like this Luke Cage Power Man custom? Do you want it for your own collection? Well it can be a reality. I will be raffling him off with all funds going to The Anti-Racism Fund & The Know Your Rights Camp (more info below).

  • A $5 USD donation will give you 1 ‘ticket’. You can buy as many tickets as you want. The more you buy, obviously the better chance you have at winning the Power Man custom 

  • All donations MUST be sent via PayPal (friends and family only please as it is a raffle) to me directly at In the message/note section of the donation, please include your name and your email address or IG name (as a means for me to to contact you if you win - THIS STEP IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AS IT IS HOW I WILL TRACK WHO HAS PAID.) 

  • Donations will be open from July 9-July 19. I will be drawing a winner on Monday July 20 LIVE on Instagram. 

What’s up everyone. I generally “reveal” figures on this site in order of completion, however this one took a front of line priority given what is happening in the United States (and the rest of the world) right now. As a white Canadian male, I don’t know what its like to be profiled or discriminated against due to the color of my skin. What I do know, is that what im currently seeing in the world makes me sick to my stomach. Innocent Black people dying in the streets (and even in their homes) by the hands of very people who are supposed to protect them. A surge of racism being openly instigated by the most powerful man in the country and police brutality on peaceful protestors protesting against police brutality.  It’s insane to think that the black community has been fighting and dying to be treated as EQUALS! I know this is a heavy way to start an action figure reveal, but the fact of the matter is, our current situation is heavy as fuck. It is for these reasons that I decided to do this project and create this classic Power Man Luke Cage to donate to Black Lives Matter charities. 

This custom coincides with my boy Stranded Customs Blue Marvel figure that he will donating to Black Lives Matter charity as well. Follow his journey over on Instagram @strandedcustoms. Also gotta shout out my fellow Canuck Weapon X Customs (@weaponxcustoms) as he just donated $400 to Equal Justice Initiative. Before I get to the figure, a quick piece about the 2 charities I have decided to donate to. 

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The Anti-Racism Fund provides capital from a pool of donations to a dynamic portfolio of organizations whose ethos align with ARF’s four Pillars of Purpose - Education Parity, Justice System Reform, Health and Wellness Access and Community Outreach & Social Justice Advocacy.

The Know Your Rights Camp's mission is to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders.

Ok so Luke Cage. Woo. This was a fun one to make. I figured Power Man would be a relevant character to make during this time and I welcomed the challenge. He was made using a Tombstone body, which required some moderation in the crotchal region. lol. I used my Dremel and sanded off the belt. I swapped out the boots for Hyperion boots, and the arms for Silver Samurai arms. Plopped a Skullbuster head (thanks Weapon X for the idea!) and Thundra Chain for the belt.

All sculpting for this project was done with Aves Apoxie Sculpt. There is quite a bit of sculpt on this guy. I had to close the lower part of the shirt on the lower torso and I added lots of wrinkles on the torso and shoulders. I had to rebuild the shoulders to be compatible with the Silver Samurai arms and as always, filled all the peg holes for a more finished look. The wrist bands, hair and, ahem, tiara were also sculpted.

The paint job on Cage was right up my ally. As a long time X-Men customizer, blue and yellow are 2 of my favourite colours to paint. I am quite happy with how my colours turned out here. They are nice and bright, however I feel the photos don’t show the true depth of the yellow like it does in person. I also was quite happy with my skin tone as Ive only done black skin on a custom figure 4 or 5 times in the past. 

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I had a lot of fun working on this project. I completed it in just 12 days, which is pretty speedy for me. I think he turned out pretty good and im happy with the end results. I am stoked to raffle off my custom to a new owner and look forward to seeing what kind of funds we can raise together for such an important cause. If you want a chance to win this figure, please review the rules posted at the top of this page or hit up Instagram for more info and regular updates. 

Up next, Doppleganger collaboration with my buddy Poundz (@iam978customs). Its finally time and it will be coming in just a few weeks. So stoked to show you guys these photos! Stick around, there’s more to come! 



Iceman (All New X-Men)

Iceman (All New X-Men)