

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Iceman (All New X-Men)

Iceman (All New X-Men)

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Hello everyone. Thanks for stopping by for another reveal. Today I am continuing my All New X-Men team with the easiest of the team to make (lol). Figured it would make sense to pair the hardest of the team (beast) with the easiest. Yes of course im talking about Bobby Drake aka All New X-Men Iceman.

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For anyone not following along, I am finally getting around to making the teenage, time displaced All New X-Men team after hanging out on my personal ‘to-do’ list since I started customizing. I started with Hank and Bobby. I will then follow up with Scott and Jean, then finish with Warren and Laura. 

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Iceman here was a very simple custom. He was made using a Miles Morales (gasp!) Marvel Legend. I used this body because Bobby is only 14 or 15 in this run of comics. For the head, I used an Ultimate Spider Man Peter Parker head with the hair removed. I also used the tip of the feet of Namor for the barefoot look. 

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Sculpting was VERY minimal in this figure. I used Apoxie Sculpt to fill peg holes, and to blend the tip of Namor’s feet onto the Miles Morales feet. I also used it to smooth out the head as there was an indent from the hair piece. 

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Aside from Bobby, I decided to make him an Ice Sled as well. I wish I would have sat down and actually planned an approach for this instead of completely winging it, but I think all things considered, it still turned out pretty good. 

I bent a piece of acrylic and built it up with foam. I then covered the entire thing with multiple coats of liquidex glass bead medium to give it a snowy texture. I did have a magnet system set up, however it ended up failing after a bit of use (why I wish I would have better planned it). But I think it still looks cool enough. 

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Im happy to have completed 2 of the 6 All New X-Men members so far. I think they look great together thus far and cant wait to add the remaining member to the lineup. Next reveal should be the Doppleganger collaboration I did with Poundz. It should be arriving in the next week or so so im stoked to get that in hand. Thank you all for stopping by. Hope you’re keeping safe and staying healthy. Cheers! 

Power Man Luke Cage

Power Man Luke Cage

Beast (All New X-Men)

Beast (All New X-Men)