

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Beast (All New X-Men)

Beast (All New X-Men)

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What up everyone?! Hope you are all keeping healthy and safe out there. Things have been going pretty good here in Canada, but quarantine has me loosing my mind. Thankfully my customs occupy me. Speaking of which, here’s All New X-Men Beast.

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The All New X-Men run from the 2014 (I think?) was a lot of fun for me. It was a great companion piece to the Uncanny X-men run from the same era and they were the first 2 titles I started reading when I started reading comics again. So this team has been on my to do list for over 5 years. Many reasons have derailed the project over the years, but their time has finally come and the first entry into the team is young Hank McCoy.

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Beast was made using a heavily modified mixture of Wolverine, All New X-Men Beast lower legs and Neca Street Fighter Guile arms. Because this version of Hank is only a teenager, I didn’t want to build him on a larger base body (plus his teammates will be built on the male/female teenager body molds). As you can see from the work in progress pics (at the end of the photo carousel below), I did lots of modification to the wolverine torso and  upper legs to accommodate the bigger arms and lower legs. The Guile arms were added a bit later into the project as I wanted something that made him look more gorilla like.

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All of the sculpting on this guy was done exclusively with Apoxie Sculpt. I started by rebuilding the upper legs and torso so they didn’t look so scrawny with the bigger arms and lower legs. From there I started detailing the uniform, making sure that I didn’t miss anything. I made the glasses using a small piece of plastic from a lid of a Testors Gloss Coat spray can. I cut it into the size I wanted then heated it up with a heat gun an molded it to the face.

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Majority of the paint was done with an airbrush, but the orange and yellow was all done with a brush (as was the hair and the glasses) I used a very well sharpened brown coloured pencil for the arm and leg hair which I think turned out pretty good. More subtle than a marker I think.

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I am beyond stoked to finally kick off my All New X-Men team and even more stoked that the hardest of the group is checked off my list and chillin on his shelf waiting for his teammates! Up next, maybe his frosty first teammate? Maybe a 6 armed monster spider man collaboration with the very talented Poundz (@iam978customs on IG). Only time will tell. Stay healthy, and take care everyone. See you next time.

Iceman (All New X-Men)

Iceman (All New X-Men)

Sentinel (12")

Sentinel (12")