

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Overdrive (Superior Foes of Spider Man)

Overdrive (Superior Foes of Spider Man)

Hey everyone, back with another reveal, this time, stepping away from my X-Men related customs to pay a visit to my Spider Man display. Since we’ve gotten some great figures of the Superior Foes of Spider Man, I thought I’d finish off the team. So without further adieu, check out Overdrive.

I really enjoyed the Superior Foes run. It was quirky, and funny and a very different read. I was a big fan of these lovable misfits. And since I know how much Hasbro LOVES to finish their teams, I figured I’d save myself the grief of waiting and do the deed myself.

Overdrive was assembled using a interesting mix of parts. I started with Ghost Rider upper torso and shoulders. I swapped out the arms for some Nick Fury arms that I shorted. The head is a modified Invincible Iron Man, hands are Netflix Daredevils, the crotch and legs from the Marvel Now Cyclops, knees from Movie Electro, boots from MCU Captain America and feet from Spider Man UK. I also transplanted a neck from Spidey UK too. So ya, lots of parts. 

The look I was  going for was a mix of 2 of Overdrive’s costumes. The jacket was based on the cover art of Superior Foes #8. It’s the look I prefer, I did however want to keep the blue visor that he consistently has throughout the inside art of the book. So I just changed the colors.

There was a bit of sculpting involved on this one. I used Apoxie Sculpt to modify the helmet, extend the jacket onto the crotch piece, fill the peg holes and the entire jacket design and details on the torso. At least the paint job was easy. lol

Overall, I’m quite happy to have Overdrive complete my Superior Foes lineup. They were one of my fav books during my brief return to comic book reading and I could no longer go without the full team. Thanks for stopping by everyone. Just so you are all prepared, the next 3 customs i will be revealing are some of my finest work (in my opinion). Come back around in 2 weeks to check them out. Chow for now!

Iron Man (Modular Armor)

Iron Man (Modular Armor)

Jubilee (Jim Lee Ver. II)

Jubilee (Jim Lee Ver. II)