

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Into the Spider Verse - Miles and Peter B

Into the Spider Verse - Miles and Peter B

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What up everyone? This next reveal was supposed to be a quick and easy set of customs, that ended up being a bit more of a job than originally intended. Check out these Into the Spider Verse customs, Miles Morales and Peter B Parker. 

Right off the bat, I have to say that the heads of Miles (both unmasked and masked pulled up), Peter B and Gwen were NOT made by me. I purchased them third party on Instagram from a user who is no longer active for some reason. Aside from the heads, I also purchased Miles shoes and Peter’s trench coat and jogging pants. So as you can see, the plan for these to be easy customs seems obvious when all the hard work was done for me. 

Miles is made from a Miles Morales Marvel Legend (hands, knees, lower legs, torso, crotch) with Homecoming Spider Man (from the MJ 2 pack) Jacket/Hoodie combo and arms. The upper legs are from a Walgreens Black Ranger which have been modified to look like shorts before hitting the knees. 

Peter B was made from a knock off Pizza Spider Man figure. I used a Superior Spider man right hand so I had a hand to hold his coffee cup, a random cast of a bare foot and a heavily modified Constantine foot. I bought the coffee cup off eBay. As for Gwen, she just got a new head, no other changes were made to her. 

What ultimately made this set of customs more work than I originally expected was the multiple layers of sculpt I had to do on Peter’s solo boot. Haha, I think I did 3 sessions on the boot alone. Aside from that, I also made his tummy a bit less chiselled and a bit more plump. His lower legs have been sculpted as if his blue spandex was rolled up around his shins but you don’t really see it with the jogging pants on (you can however see it in the WIP pics at the end of the photo carousel below.)

As for Miles, I filled in the peg holes, sculpted shorts cuffs onto the upper legs along with the belt and belt loops and pant details on the crotch. 

The last hurdle for this project was something I always promised myself I would never attempt: Weblines. UGH!! I used a Micron01 pen which has a 0.25mm line (shout out to Opticon customs for the suggestion) to draw on lines on the newly paint matched red paint on the stomach and the coffee cup holding hand. To be honest, these didn’t turn out THAT bad, considering the fact that this was my first attempt at weblines. That being said, I will likely try to avoid this sort of thing in all future projects as the process stressed me out immensely :) 

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Overall, I am super happy with these customs. I know they are not 100% accurate to the source material, but like I said, originally these were supposed to be quick and easy customs, so I was less concerned with accuracy at the time of conception. But they look great as the focal point of my Spider Verse Shelf. 

Up next: Crimson Dynamo… classic of course :) Excited to share! In the meanwhile, keep tabs on my Instagram feed for pics and videos of my new 13 shelf collection. Ive been showcasing new shelves every few days, so hang around as I go through them all. Cheers!

Crimson Dynamo

Crimson Dynamo

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver MCU - Ver. 3)

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver MCU - Ver. 3)