

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Generation X - Husk, Jubilee & Monet

Generation X - Husk, Jubilee & Monet

This set of Generation X repaints were quick and easy! 3 Gen X Monet bodies, some neck paint for Jubilee and Husk and a head from the Cuckoockoos for Jubilee and AOA Kitty with Invisible Woman hair for Husk (which I don’t totally love if im being honest. I was going for angry but she kinda looks constipated, oh well I'll fix it one day). I painted all the hands to match the gauntlets and knee pads which got a wash and some more gold make them really come to life. The reds were darkened with some black shading and then brought back to life with some clear red by Tamiya. Jubilee’s soft goods coat came from GPS Lot on eBay.

Astonishing Kitty Pryde & Wolverine

Astonishing Kitty Pryde & Wolverine

