

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Nightcrawler (Giant Size X-Men)

Nightcrawler (Giant Size X-Men)

nightcrawler 20.JPG

Hey everyone. Back again with another one for the Giant Size X-Men team, an updated Nightcrawler. 

Nightcrawler was made using a Superior Spider Man body and legs (upper and knee), Toybiz Nightcrawler lower legs, arms and tail, a head from a Constantine DC figure (not sure which one), and a pair of swords and the shoulder piece from Casting Cave. The ‘bamf’ effect is just a piece from Nico Minoru’s Staff of One. 

Kit bashing the parts of the old Toybiz Nightcrawler into the Superior Spidey body was pretty simple. Hit a few snags on the lower legs (had to build up the lower legs with apoxie sculpt to add length to the lower leg), but overall it was pretty harmless. The most difficult challenge was getting the tail to stay in the figure. After a few failed attempts, I came up with the idea to use magnets. Simple and sweet. They worked like a charm and allow me full articulation of the tail.  

I ended up doing a fair bit of sculpting on this figure. I used Apoxie Sculpt to make Nightcrawler’s hair and ears. I also sculpted the red part of the uniform onto the lower torso/crotch. As I mentioned prior, due to the incompatibility of the old Toybiz Nightcrawler lower legs on the new buck, I had to build up the lower legs to make them longer. All that plus my usual filling of the peg holes. The hair took multiple attempts. Still getting used to sculpting hair but I am pretty happy with how this turned out. 

After I was happy with the hair sculpt (which took a good couple attempts) I was ready to paint. I just recently got an airbrush as a gift, which I’ve been having some fun with. But I didn’t have it when I made this guy so this was all paint brush. The face was fun to paint but the rest was pretty simple. The base body was black so that was helpful. It was easy to get the whites stark white for the same reason. Like I said, simple stuff. Still had fun seeing it all come together though. 

Overall, I’m happy with how Nightcrawler turned out. He was relatively simple, but adds so much to my Giant Size X-Men team! Now I can't wait to throw Sunfire into the mix when he released in the next X-Men ML wave. Thanks for checkinag out my page. Thanks everyone! Happy 2017!

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